The May 2022 issue of Rotary magazine included a story called "The Business of Healing" by Frank Bures. "The city of Minneapolis was reeling after George Floyd's murder. Rotary clubs helped small businesses recover - and changed themselves in the process."
Photo by Tim Gruber
The Minneapolis Uptown Rotary club is partnered with Los Andes Latin Bistro, located at 607 W. Lake Street in Minneapolis.
From the article, about Los Andes:
"Member of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis Uptown did everything they could. They held meetings at the restaurant. They invited friends to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "At the end of the day," says club member Seth Tenpenny, "all we did was listen to Guillermo and try to help." It worked. People came. They ate. After a year of recovery and help, Quito decided to return the favor. Last Thanksgiving, he told the Rotarians that he wanted to donate meals to people who didn't have homes. But he didn't know how to go about it. Fortunately, they did. The donations went so well that Quito expanded the project at Christmas."