Long-time Minneapolis Uptown Rotary member Don Hawkinson passed away on March 31, 2022.
Don Hawkinson was a long-time Minneapolis Uptown Rotary member and true leader who epitomized the Four-Way Test. He was always truthful yet unfailingly kind. He was concerned about those less fortunate than we and looked for avenues to improve their lives in a way that increased their opportunities, supported their needs, and preserved their dignity.
He lived the Rotary motto “Service Above Self.” Don exemplified the servant leader who quietly and confidently led the way. He fulfilled many roles within the Club. He was Community Service Director, International Service Director, Minneapolis Uptown Community Service Foundation Director, and Club President (2006-2007). As International Service Director he led the Club’s involvement in Books for Africa both as volunteers at the warehouse, fundraising, and sending a container of books to Africa. As Community Service Director, he shaped the Club’s focus on literacy with the Dictionary Project and participated in the Club’s transition from supporting Ramsey School to Jefferson Community School (now Ella Baker). He was a major volunteer for the Club in a multi-club fundraising project called “Taste of Lake Street” for two years. He also was an organizer of our annual pop stand at the Uptown Art Fair. He volunteered regularly at the Joyce Uptown Food Shelf and when Burt Grossman could no longer lead this activity, Don stepped up. He and Joanie continued to volunteer at the food shelf even during COVID. Don served as the Club’s representative on the food shelf’s Board of Directors for many years and as the liaison between the Club and the food shelf.
While still in legal practice, Don frequently hosted the Club at his law office during the March of the Rotarians. Don and his wife Joanie (a former Uptown Rotary member), graciously hosted potlucks at their home for the club for several years until they downsized to an apartment. Don had a wonderful, quiet, wry sense of humor that kept us smiling. Although he had been unable to attend our meetings as we Zoomed during COVID and as his own health began to fail, Don is a permanent resident in our hearts and stands amongst us in memory as the finest example of a Rotarian.